An Emacs Client For Blogger
March 02, 2007
Post by T.V. Raman, Google Research Scientist
From The Everything Can Be Done In Emacs Dept...
Blogger exposes a clean API based on Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) and Google Data APIs (GData). This Emacs module leverages this functionality to enable one to blog from within the comfort of a full-featured editing environment.
Where to get it
The Emacs Blogger client is part of
This client implements posting, editing and deleting of blog entries using the new Blogger API --- it replaces the now obsolete atom-blogger that implemented similar functionality using the old Blogger API. It uses value of customization option
From The Everything Can Be Done In Emacs Dept...
Blogger exposes a clean API based on Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) and Google Data APIs (GData). This Emacs module leverages this functionality to enable one to blog from within the comfort of a full-featured editing environment.
Where to get it
The Emacs Blogger client is part of
, a suite of Emacs clients for accessing Google Services. The current distribution can be downloaded from Google Code and the source code is available via Subversion.Installation
- Unpack the tar archive and place the resulting
directory on your emacsload-path
. - Type
to compile the code. - In your .emacs, add
(load-library "g")
to set it up.
This client implements posting, editing and deleting of blog entries using the new Blogger API --- it replaces the now obsolete atom-blogger that implemented similar functionality using the old Blogger API. It uses value of customization option
by default; this can be overridden via option gblogger-user-email
. See Blogger GData API for the underlying APIs used. For editing posts, I recommend installing nxml-mode.- Browse command
brings up the list of blogs owned by the currently authenticated user. - Posting command
takes a post URL and sets up a special buffer where you can compose your article. The post url is obtained from the feed of blogs above; use the post link for the blog to which you wish to post. - Browsing command
displays the atom feed for a specified blog as a browsable HTML page. In addition to reading your blog, this helps you find the edit url for individual posts. - Editing command
takes the edit url of a previously posted entry. It retrieves the entry, and sets up a special composition buffer where you can edit the entry. - Submitting - the special composition buffer created by commands
provide a special commandgblogger-publish
(bound toC-c C-c
) that submits the entry to blogger. - Deleting Command
deletes an entry specified by its edit url.